Online store

Here is a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial on how to configure Buddify Store for your WordPress website:

  1. Set up the basic Buddify Store settings. Go to the “Settings” tab and select “General”. Here, you can set up your store location, currency, and the measurement units for weight and dimensions.
  2. Configure the tax settings. Go to the “Tax” tab and set up the tax options for your store. You can set up different tax rates based on location, or choose to use the same tax rate for all customers.
  3. Set up shipping options. Go to the “Shipping” tab and set up the shipping options for your store. You can choose to offer flat rate shipping, free shipping, or real-time shipping rates from shipping carriers such as FedEx or UPS.
  4. Configure the payment options. Go to the “Payments” tab and set up the payment options for your store. Buddify Store integrates with many popular payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and Amazon Pay.
  5. Customize the checkout process. Go to the “Checkout” tab and set up the checkout process for your store. You can choose to collect customer billing and shipping information, or turn off certain fields if they are not necessary.
  6. Configure the product options. Go to the “Products” tab and set up the options for your products. You can choose to enable product ratings and reviews, or set up the product display options, such as the number of products displayed per page.
  7. Set up the email notifications. Go to the “Emails” tab and set up the email notifications for your store. You can choose to send order confirmation emails, shipment tracking emails, and customer follow-up emails.
  8. Test your store. Before launching your store, make sure to thoroughly test the checkout process and payment options to ensure that everything is working correctly.

By following these steps, you should be able to configure Buddify Store and set up an online store for your project. Keep in mind that there may be additional steps specific to your website and store, so be sure to consult the Buddify Store documentation for more information.